Pacific Highway, Under the 8 and 5 Freeways

California Series - Post #4

These photographs were taken in January and I started posting them on my Instagram over the past few weeks when I was traveling. I recently started scanning using Negative Lab Pro to digitally convert my scans which were taken with DSLR.

What attracted me to this location was the way the freeways were converging with one another. There are a lot of freeways in San Diego but finding a location where you are directly below them is not always possible. I kind of found this location by chance. I knew I wanted to drive along the Pacific Highway (this is not the 1 but rather an industrial area close the San Diego airport) from downtown San Diego, past the airport, to a location that was traditionally less picturesque.

I want to continue this series every time I visit San Diego. I go there a couple times a year and I will continue to look for locations like these to create a stronger body of work.

These images were taken with a Mamiya 7II. The lenses were a combination of the 50mm, 65mm, and 80mm. The film used for these particular images were Kodak Portra 160 and 400.